rüşvet vermek

  1. Fiil to oil sb's hand
  2. Fiil to practice practise bribery
  3. Fiil to schmear
  4. Fiil to throw a sop to cerberus
  5. Fiil to subsidize
  6. Fiil to bribe
  7. Fiil to buy over
to subsidize the press Fiil
to corrupt a judge Fiil
to bribe an official Fiil
to bribe a witness Fiil
to get at a witness Fiil
to suborn a witness Fiil
to tickle sb's palm Fiil
to grease sb's palm Fiil
to fix sb Fiil
to square someone to hold his tongue Fiil
to grease the right palms Fiil
to fix a jury Fiil
to bribe as witness Fiil